Image to Text Converter

Image to text converter uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to extract text from image. Browse to select one or multiple photos and get text from image instantly.

Drag and Drop Image Here

Upload upto 3 images at once

Max Upload image size 4MB

How to Use Picture to Text Converter?


Drag or Upload Image

Drag & Drop or browse to upload to turn image into text.


Click "Convert" button

Once you've uploaded your image, click on "Convert" button.


Copy Text from Image

You can copy text from picture or download in txt format.

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Get the widget to enable your website users for text extraction from image online.


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Download Screenshot to Text Converter app from Google Play Store or App Store.

Table of Contents

Introduction to online image to text converter

Image to text converter has completely transformed how we engage with digital content. It is also known as an optical character recognition (OCR) tool.

Picture to text converter enables the extraction of text from images. It makes it easier to convert printed or handwritten text into editable and searchable digital formats.

A user can simply copy text from image online using this tool.

Features of JPG to Text Converter

Here are some of the top features our tool uses to convert image to text online:

1. Uses optical character recognition (OCR)

Photo to text converter uses OCR technology and advanced algorithms to recognize characters in images.

By analyzing the shapes, patterns, and structures of text, OCR accurately converts images into editable texts.

This text grabber from images supports several image formats, such as:

  • JPG (Joint Photographic Group)
  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • WEBP (Web Picture)
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  • TIFF (Tag Image File Format)
  • BMP (Bitmap Image file)

2. Text extraction from images

Picture to text converter can extract text from any image. It handles various sources, such as:

  • Scanned documents
  • Photographs
  • Screenshots
  • Handwritten notes

This picture to text converter analyzes images, identifies text regions, and converts them into editable text.

3. Multiple language support

Our image to text converter supports a wide range of languages. It is versatile and can extract English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, and many other languages from images.

4. Accuracy and reliability

Picture to text converter provides accuracy and reliability in text conversion. It uses advanced algorithms that enhance the readability of low-quality images or complex font styles.

5. Recognize characters, symbols and numbers

The OCR (optical character recognition) of the online converter identifies all characters, symbols, and numbers within a picture. For example, if you upload a mathematical equation, the converter will automatically extract all special characters from it.

Advanced technologies our picture to text converter uses

Advanced technologies and AI enable our tool to extract image text effectively. Here are some of the top technologies we use for copying text from an image.

  • Advanced OCR Engine
  • Preprocessing techniques to improve accuracy
  • Deep Learning and Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

We are further working to enhance the capabilities of our tool.

How to find our screenshot to text converter?

Our image text extraction tool is a few searches away, as you can find it easily. You can simply find our tool on the search engine or directly type its URL in the search bar.

Type keywords like "image to text converter" or "photo to text converter" on Google, Bing, or any other search engine. As our tool ranks higher, you can easily click on it to get help with text extraction.

To directly access it, type the URL address in your search bar. You can bookmark this so that you don't need to type this URL again.

How to extract text from image online?

Image to Text Converter makes text extraction simple and easy for everyone. You can convert photos to text online by following these simple steps:

  1. Upload your jpg, png, jpeg, or any other picture format from your device or Dropbox.
  2. Click on the “Submit” button to start the conversion process.
  3. Preview the converted results and click on the “Download” button to download the results.

Note: You can browse, drag and drop, or paste the URL of your image on the tool. It gives you a variety of options to use it according to your feasibility.

You can also download the extracted text in any file format with just a single click.

Benefits of using Image to Text Converter Online

Besides speed and accuracy, you can extract image text in bulk. Here are some major benefits you can get by using our tool:

  1. It is time-consuming and frustrating to manually write text from images. Photo to text converter online saves you valuable time and effort by quickly converting text from images online.
  2. The picture to text converter helps you convert handwritten text into editable formats. It enables easy storage, retrieval, and searchability of information.
  3. The use of this tool benefits you in archiving documents, creating searchable databases, or organizing research materials more efficiently.
  4. Our tool helps you extract text from invoices, receipts, or screenshots.
  5. The image to text online converter helps you extract text from low-quality or distorted images.
  6. You can extract text from multiple images for free.

Tips to use our image extraction tool effectively

Follow these major tips to use our tool effectively.

  1. Provide high-quality images with clear and readable text to achieve accurate results. Avoid using images with blurriness, shadows, or distortions.
  2. Always verify and correct any errors in the extracted text after conversion. Sometimes OCR algorithms are not perfect, and manual verification is necessary to ensure the correctness of the output.
  3. Do not select too many images for bulk image text extraction. Instead, give four images at a time.
  4. Do not upload images that are very large in size. Try to upload images that are less than 4 MB in size.

Why to choose our multiple image to text converter?

You can choose our accurate image to text converter online because of its features and benefits. The OCR technology of the tool eases your manual work and prevents writing mistakes.

Some other features that ensure qualitative image-to-text extraction are:






Highly accurate and readable with more clarity


Time, money, effort, retyping and manual work


Work efficiency, productivity and handwritten efforts


Free of cost

These features ensure accurate image-to-text conversions in several ways and correctly turn your picture into text. So, give it a try and enjoy the fastest extraction of words from images!